2010年6月28日 星期一

TDMA Noise

TDMA (time-division multiple-access) time-slot sharing technique that results in high-power RF in the 800MHz to 900MHz or 1800MHz to 1900MHz bands.
The transmitter current, which can exceed 1A, pulses during a phone call at a repetition rate of 217Hz and pulse width of about 0.5ms.
If current pulses couple to the audio circuitry, the harmonic-rich 217Hz signal results in the audible buzz.

2010年6月26日 星期六



看來也是SOC chip 而且重點又多了T-DMB,DVB-T/DVB-H 等數位電視的功能
應該是強勁的對手, 待後續觀察



市場研究機構Jon Peddie Research認為,電子書閱讀器(eBooks)、平板電腦(tablets)、智慧型手機(smartphones)等消費性行動裝置市場正經歷爆炸性成長,也創造了對多媒體處理器、應用處理器不斷成長的需求。

Frontier Silicon reaches 10 million milestone

Frontier solution 達成了10 million 的成績
原文 http://www.frontier-silicon.com/media/releases/10/0210_10mAus.htm

Sales to double in the next three years driven by new market growth